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Javier Torras Casas


I was born in 1990 in a beautiful city by the Mediterranean sea, a location where people from an array of different cultures and backgrounds have converged, contributing to the unique identity of Barcelona. Barcelona has always been an inspiring place.


There, my parents decided to give me an artistic education, I was ten years old when I went for the first time to María Ángeles Jiménez de Anta´s studio, she taught me how to appreciate art and how to paint. 

Amazed by all the artists, I started my degree in art history at the Univeritat de Barcelona. Michelangelo, Velázquez and Tiziano have been also examples for me, from whom I've either learnt technique or been influenced by.


The defining moment of my career has been going to Rome, my beloved city which will always be home for me. I spent a year in "la Città Eterna" and now, although missing it I'm again out of my country. 

The green land of Britain and the post industrial city of Manchester, with its changeable weather and bright colors, offers me a fantastic environment to develop my imagination.

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